
Our edamame is grown on an isolated Taiwanese farm that uses pure, mountain spring water. The farm prohibits cross contamination, which means our edamame are the purest product you’ll find. The edamame are harvested at peak freshness early in the morning and quickly prepared and frozen within four hours. These best-quality beans are fresh tasting, sweet, crisp, and meaty, and certified kosher as well. 

These Taiwanese edamame are bigger beans remarkable for their distinct sweetness and crispness, which make them a delicious, healthy snack that’s recommended by the American Heart Association. They pair perfectly with drinks as an effortless snack or appetizer. Our shelled edamame beans are wonderful in salads and as part of stir-fries, soups and stews, and when pureed into dips and dressings. Enjoy this versatile bean, which is an excellent source of plant protein and an ideal addition to any healthy diet. For ultimate convenience, we offer both shelled and unshelled beans, both of which can simply be defrosted and served straight away.

Product Info: 

  • Brand: Kobe, Marusei
  • Origin: China, Taiwan
  • Sizes: 9oz, 10oz, 11oz, 12oz
  • Pack: 20x1 lb 

Edamame Packaging Coming Soon